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TurfGard Pest Deterrent 5L

£198.00 inc VAT £165.00 ex VAT
  • Liquid formulation of garlic extract, kelp and aromatic aldehyde.
  • Can be used in amenity turf, fine turf and newly sown grass leys.
  • Promotes general health in turf, which in turn deters pests and aids the plant in case of attack.

Full Description

TurfGard Pest Deterrent is a liquid formulation of garlic extract, kelp and aromatic aldehyde. TurfGard can be used in amenity turf, fine turf and newly sown grass leys to promote general health. Improving the general health will deter pests as well as aiding the plant if it should be attacked. TurfGard is not a pesticide however the garlic odour may deter several types of pest through creating an uninviting environment to protect itself, from pests of disease, in particular the roots.

We recommend applying TurfGard when the plant is not showing any signs of stress. Do not apply during adverse weather or if it is showing signs of deficiency.

It promotes an environment around leaves and roots that is uninviting to pests, which helps to prevent root damage and reduces the risk of disease. The addition of kelp rich in auxin stimulates the plant to produce new roots, which helps the plant to overcome the symptoms of soil bourne pest attack.

Use TurfGard with a suitable penetrative wetting agent such as Abzorb. Apply in a minimum of 300L of water per hectare. Use up to 1,000L of water per hectare to aid with the penetration of the soil.

Our Recommendation

  • Always read the product label before use.
  • Apply to the plant when it is not showing any signs of stress.
  • Do not apply during adverse weather or if it is showing signs of deficiency.
  • Always wear protective clothing, such as Chemical Resistant Gloves, when handling TurfGard.

Technical Specification

ProductTurfGard Pest Deterrent 5L
Period Of UseAll Year Round
Pack Size5 Litre
Application MethodKnapsack, Boom Sprayer
Knapsack Sprayer Rate150ml per 10L of water
Area of UseLawns, Sports Turf, Amenity Turf
Boom Sprayer Rate5-10 Litres per hectare
Pack Size CoverageUp to 10,000m² (1 hectare)
Safe For Use OnGrass, Lawns, Sports Turf, New Grass
£198.00 inc VAT £165.00 ex VAT
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