As the temperatures drop and winter sets in, rodents like rats may seek shelter in warm and cosy spaces, and unfortunately, your home could be on their radar! Dealing with a rat infestation can be a challenging and frustrating experience. However, with proactive measures and effective remedies, you can keep these unwanted guests away and address the situation if they've already made themselves at home.


Preventive measures:

If rats haven’t yet made their way into your home, but you’ve suffered an infestation before, it’s best to take various preventative measures to keep them at bay. Rats possess the ability to slip through incredibly small openings. While they may struggle with smooth surfaces, they can navigate drainpipes, trees, cables and various objects, providing them access to your home.

In the presence of unsealed gaps or crevices around your home, these rodents are likely to exploit such opportunities. If rats manage to infiltrate your home through the walls, they pose a significant threat. Their gnawing on cables can result in extensive property damage, and their defecation may contribute to the spread of diseases.

Seal entry points:

  • Conduct a thorough inspection of your home's exterior for any gaps, cracks or openings
  • Seal entry points using materials like steel wool, caulk or weather stripping
  • Metex Rat Tape is a seriously tough stainless steel reinforced rat and mouse-proofing tape and can be used to proof against rodents by covering holes and gaps in building materials
  • Focus on areas around doors, windows, vents and utility penetrations


Maintain cleanliness:

It’s a bit of an obvious one but keeping both your home and garden clean, tidy and free of rubbish is one of the easiest ways to prevent rats taking an interest.

  • Keep your living spaces clean, especially in areas where food is stored or prepared
  • Securely store food in airtight containers to eliminate potential food sources for rodents
  • Regularly clean up crumbs, spills, and any food residue
  • Trim trees and bushes near your home to eliminate potential entry points from branches
  • Keep vegetation around the foundation well-maintained to reduce hiding spots
  • Ensure that garbage cans have tight-fitting lids to prevent rats from accessing food waste
  • Dispose of garbage regularly and maintain a clean outdoor environment


Identify signs of infestation:

If you suspect rats or mice may have found their way into your home, here are the telltale signs:

  • Look for droppings, gnaw marks and shredded materials
  • Listen for scratching or scurrying sounds in walls or ceilings
  • Identify and address any unusual pet behaviour that may indicate the presence of rodents

If you’ve noticed any of the above, it may be time to lay down some poison and traps.


Set traps:

Use purpose-made rat and mice boxes filled with poison to catch rats.

Tailor your chosen rat poison to the area you’re treating: Roban 25 Pasta Bait Amateur is a highly palatable bait where rodents need to be tempted away from an area or other food sources.

Target populations feeding on whole grain sources with Rodex 25 Whole Wheat Amateur. The whole wheat bait contains an aroma giving the bait a unique chocolate scent, making the wheat highly appealing to mice and rats.

Roban 25 Cut Wheat Amateur is a convenient bait designed with high-quality, dust-free wheat. Mice commonly nibble on whole grain baits, discarding the treated outer layer and consuming only the inner portion. Pre-chopped wheat, speeds up the ingestion of a lethal dose, discouraging this selective behavior. Our cut wheat bait, enriched with the active ingredient difenacoum, is crafted using premium, dust-free chopped wheat.

  • Place the boxes along walls or in areas where rat activity is evident.
  • Check traps regularly and dispose of captured rats promptly
  • Always put the poison inside a bait station
  • Use gloves for protection


Top tip: If you have pets and don’t want to lay poison in your home, then opt for a natural repellent inside and a pesticide outside. Use this recipe: Peppermint oil, cloves and other natural repellents can deter rats. Place cotton balls soaked in peppermint oil in strategic locations. Consider planting mint around the perimeter of your home as an additional deterrent.


Seek professional assistance:

If the infestation is severe or persistent, consider hiring a pest control professional.

Professionals have the expertise to assess the situation, identify entry points, and implement effective extermination strategies.

Sanitise and seal:

After successfully dealing with the infestation, thoroughly clean and sanitise affected areas.

Seal any remaining entry points to prevent future infestations.


Winter can pose a higher risk of rat infestations, but with a proactive approach and timely intervention, you can keep these pests at bay. By implementing preventive measures and taking swift action if rats have already entered your home, you can ensure a rodent-free and comfortable living environment during the colder months. Head to our dedicated Rodenticide product page. 

Use pesticides safely and always read the label and product information before use.